
So you’re up for volunteering with Scree Porty Community Cinema! Super, good to know you!

Why do you call Screen Porty volunteers ‘Pullers’

Screen Porty Pullers are the group of volunteers who give time

Do I need to be a film buff?

No way!

The only thing you need is a desire to work with other people and some time to support Screen Porty create community experiences around film. We also ask Pullers to feedback about how the group is doing, how things can be improved and help spread the word about Screen Porty doings.

How much time do I need to give?

yadda yadda

Another FAQ Item

No way!

The only thing you need is a desire to work with other people and some time to support Screen Porty create community experiences around film. We also ask Pullers to feedback about how the group is doing, how things can be improved and help spread the word about Screen Porty doings.

Another FAQ Item

No way!

The only thing you need is a desire to work with other people and some time to support Screen Porty create community experiences around film. We also ask Pullers to feedback about how the group is doing, how things can be improved and help spread the word about Screen Porty doings.