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SP14 'Double Indemnity'

Directed by Billy Wilder / 1944 / 108 mins / US / English / Rated PG
Bar open: 6:30pm / Film start: 7:30pm

Notes: Please read notes below. They do get changed from screening to screening :)

SB - Pick up booze
- LW - Friday 29th Pick up projector, LP help LW at WH.
- LW/LP - Return projector Monday Dec 2

SET UP: 3pm - 4:15pm (ish)
- - - - - - - - -
Su / Alastair D / Lesley / Sybil
 / Lindsay / Keith / Chris / Su / Simon
Young Pullers: DoE Vol is Lewis (a.k.a The Duke)

- - - - - - - - -

1) Open building @ 3pm: LP has keys. LP + SB on Floor

- See printed sheets for this print out of tasks has room codes
- heating on
- LP lead, 3:05pm group pow-wow

2) Screen down / Tech + KIT set up: AD / KB / Su

- THE DOINGS large ladder. 3 people. Two people at all times holding the ladder & helping. One up/down ladder. Wash House assured this is what we do, H+S concerns. AD to tie the screen to pole edges for fewer wrinkles. Please note during testing audio/ visual reflections of backstage lights for audience, where the curtains are for light cracks.
- KIT: Mixing desk in substation (there is a square table, often on stage we use for projector, projector on projector box) / BluRay Player.
LP has Wild Tales Blu-Ray’ BluRay disc
KB has BluRay player.
- SET UP TOOLS: Hazard tape in SP tool box, tape down cables / mic and speaker front of stage, check charged?

3) Chairs: Ali G / Lewis The Duke / LP’s two brother helping.

- THE DOINGS These new chairs are heavy, please only do if you’re comfortable. *Please note* the set-up in the cupboard. Chairs need to be put away exactly the same way. Please take a photo if you are doing tidy-up or send to someone who is so put away approach is known.
Set up 100 chairs.
Task Support:
- LP will guide on position and H&S needs for set-up. Middle lane 1.3m and on either side

4) Tables, decorating, lights, signage Su / Lesley / Lindsay / Simon

- DOINGS: Signage: LP has .. to go up is ‘box office’ x 1 / ‘box office this way’ x 2 / Women’s loo x 1 / ‘Help yourslef to tea & coffee’ x 2 / ‘bar prices’ x 2 / ‘ID’ x 2 Age restrictions / ‘Ring bell’ for outside / ‘Sold Out’ x 1 / QR code for subscribing to SP newsletter x 1
*Please note* White tack only on building walls. No tape.
- DOINGS: Tables: Found in Main Hall cupboard: Bar tables x 2 larger ones / box office tables x 2 smaller / tea + coffee tables x 2 (one in mainhall cupboard, one in backstage lounge, please return), against wall to left, chair wit blankets. Sybil has tablecloths.
- DOINGS: Decorating + Lights: Standing lights, some in the meeting room, one or two might be in Art Room … *Please note* Return lights to room they came from. Fairy lights TBC
Task Support: Pref white blu-tack(?), see SP stationary/tool box redbox. *Please note* .. Please be aware of taping down any light cables that are possible trip hazards, esp in the dark for bar area. Hazard tape in SP stationary/tool redbox.

5. Bar, Box Office, misc NB

- Bar needs: Float + cashbox (SB) / Cardreader (AD) / wine meaures in toolbox / silver wheelie table for holding beer + wine, easy to/fro kitchen. LP + SB have corkscrews
- Box Office tools: Tickets (LP) / Float + cashbox (SB) / Cardreader (AD)

6. Sound and screen check and lights check. ** Essential leave time for this **

- DOINGS Everyone help with sound check .. full audio / visual dry run. Lights off, sit in chairs as if audience. Check audio esp treble for easy listening for all ears; look for light cracks under screen, side of curtains, feedback to AD.

7. Closing WH after set up, time check, how’d that go?

- LP lead: 4:15pm ISH Everyone happy, anything to note? Thank you all! Touch base about coming back.

SCREENING: 6pm - 10:30pm
- - - - - - - - -
Su / Alastair D / Lesley / Sybil
/ Lindsay / Keith / Su / Simon / Chris
Young Pullers: DoE Vol is Lewis (a.k.a The Duke)

Doors open 6:30pm / Film start 7:30pm. Sybil close front door 7:30pm, on snib
Soon as film over and lights up, LP to main door unlock and thanks to those leaving.

- - - - - - - - -

Floor manager x 2: LP / SB (Ali G please hang with LP, will need various doings done)
Box Office x 2: Jacky / Sybil
Bar x 4: Keith / Su / Jan / AD / Lesley (with food need 4 people)
Tea / Coffee table: Lesley airpot filled
Front doors x 2: Lewis Duke / LP / Su on box office door, please keep eye on anyone needing support, chair by fire door.
Lewis Duke / LP hand out blankets.
Announcer at 7:20pm: LP “Hello All, please note the bar will be closed during the film, so if you would like another drink we are starting in the film 10min.. We will have an interval .. ” Mention heating and blankets
mic and speaker front of stage
Welcome / Health and Safety: AD
No Intro but: LP say welcome, interval
Post Film “Thank you, welcome to stay for drink, chat with us..”: LP
Ushers x 4: Su / Simon / AD / Another at back door

Sound / Projector x 2: AD / Chris
Lights up/down: Ushers to do. At end please wait for credits to roll before putting on.

- - - - - - - - -
x 2: LP / SB Anything anyone needs, unsure of or want to check please ask Lindsay or Sybil.
Box Office
x 2: Sybil / Lesley / Su
Box office tools: card reader + mobile phone with app / float / table cloth / 1 x ‘box office’ sign

Bar x 4: Keith / AD /
Bar tools: card reader x 1, also mobile phone (AD) / float / tablecloths / standing lights / bins, one recycling / bottle opener / wine, wine glasses /

Doors x 3: From 6:30pm - 7:30pm / Ideally 3 people alternating so two always on door until 7:25pm. One person, left til 7:35pm. Closes door, locks on snib.
Door tools: sign pointing to button / film poster /

Ushers x 3: Left / Right/ centre back. Please keep on eye on people coming down the sides and returning from loo breaks. Light their way, work with person at back.
Usher tools: 3 torches (all charged)

Coffee / Tea tables: mugs / milk / 1 x airpot filled / coffee, tea bags, herbal tea, sugar, spoons / signage for ‘Please Help Yourself’

Washing Wine Glasses x 3: Wendy on top of this, she’ll need 2 others alternating for collecting glasses and drying. Back into Majestic glass boxes.
Wine glass washing tools: Washing Up liquid in red SP tool box.

FLOOR LP: Check all doors / make sure heating off / check chairs back in cupboard as WH requires / lock up, make sure round outdoor street light is NOT left on, neighbour complains

LOCK UP 10:30pm YAY!!

4 January

Crew+Pullers Film night

22 February
